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It's all about people.

In 2022, the top three trends shaping the future of work in Australia include Talent Attraction and Retention, New & Emerging Leaders, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

We're continually researching and analysing emerging trends in the HR and L&D space to help our clients navigate through times of change and uncertainty.

Read on to learn more.

#1. Talent Attraction and Retention

The economic turbulence that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused accelerated the talent shortage to a degree that no one could have predicted.

Skills shortages are a significant issue for many companies globally, and attracting the right candidates from a limited talent pipeline can be a real challenge.

Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans in their book 'Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em – Getting Good People to Stay' pointed out:

Countless studies suggest that the cost of replacing key people runs between 70% and 200% of their annual salaries.

Even during the best of times succession planning has never been easy. Today it isn’t just about recruiting future leaders based on their current skill set, but instead identifying leadership potential and motivating internal employees to grow their knowledge and skills to fit company's future needs.

Fostering a culture of continuous learning helps organisations to close skill gaps and help employees to thrive within new hybrid and digital workplaces.

The findings of 2022 LinkedIn Learning Workplace Learning Report revealed that "Opportunities to learn and grow' is the key motivator and contributor to an exceptional work environment.

#2. New & Emerging Leaders

Leadership development increases the company's ability to deal with gaps in the talent pipeline and boosts employee engagement. Developing, coaching, and promoting people internally is also far less expensive than hiring externally.

Professional learning and development help companies unlock the full potential of their talent pools at all levels.

Which begs the question - why aren't we developing new and emerging talent consistently and intentionally?

Common Challenges in the Development of Emerging Leaders

  1. 1.Addressing succession pipeline
  2. 2.Planning for future leadership roles
  3. 3.Transparency around succession management
  4. 4.Remote and hybrid work
  5. 5.Building critical skills and identifying future skills

Long term, sustainable and transferable skills

Graduate recruitment has become increasingly popular among many Australian companies. Offering a more structured graduate program rather than just a graduate job, will help your company to identify future managers and leaders as well as talented individuals faster.

It will also help the transition of recent graduates with little experience but strong potential.

Why invest in Graduate Programs?

  • An affordable hiring option
  • A clear career progression plan for employees
  • Diversified workforce
  • Fresh perspectives

Our graduate programs focus on both graduates and their managers as the upskilling and empowerment of them both is central to the effectiveness of a program.

#3. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Workplace diversity brings new ideas and different ways of thinking. Employees from a range of backgrounds enable companies to utilise the diverse range of skills, experiences, qualities and perspectives.

You know your DEI metrics better than us. Our expertise comes in facilitating practical development attitudes and behaviours that brings inclusivity to life. It's actions that speak louder than words.

Dale Carnegie helps companies to align diversity practices with unique organizational goals, overcome bias and internal resistance.

Use diversity training to bring out the best in your employees!

We are not born with an innate ability to navigate diversity with ease, in fact our brains are wired to mistrust differences with others, that leads us all naturally to develop biases.

Because of that, to become effective, trusted leaders within our organizations and communities, we first need to become students of culture.

That is, we need to develop competency in effectively understanding, communicating with, and interacting with people whose backgrounds and culture may be different from our own.

Dale Carnegie’s Model of DEI

Diversity is primarily the outcome

Inclusion is the way to achieve it

Equity speeds the progress

There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach.

We work with clients in a range of different ways to help them gather real, actionable data to support the creation of learning and development journeys that get you results.

Our approach is consultative-based. That means we work collaboratively to design training programs that fit in with your existing systems and processes. We have an enviable track record for client retention, that’s because we take responsibility at all stages.

Capturing the data is one thing, but then turning that into insights which can be implemented at the macro and micro level is another. We lean on our extensive experience and world-class facilitators with ISO-9001 certification, to work alongside your team in developing, creating and delivering learning journeys that make an impact.

Whether you're rolling out DEI initiatives, developing leaders across levels, or looking for ways to enhance your employee value proposition and add to your talent acquisition and retention strategy, we're here to help.

You've done a great job of having openness and employing a company's voice in training.

Natalie M. McLean
Head of Business Training and Development, TikTok